How to trick your girlfriend

The Easy Tricks Everyone Secretly Uses for Making Friends at a New School

It's day day one at a new school, and thanks to all that BTS shopping, you're as ready as you'll ever be…but all you can think about is who you're going to sit with at lunch. Trust us: Whether it's high school, college, or even your first day at a new gig, it's always the same. Being on your own can be totally freak-out worthy! But there are a few easy tricks for making friends that a) aren't awkward, b) are actually things everyone who's good at making friends does already, and c) will have you ruling your own crew in no time. Read on.
Leave Your Door Open

We mean this both figuratively and literally. On your first day, it can be tempting to shut the door (your dorm room door, your locker door) and focus on settling in. But there will be plenty of time for that later down the line, so instead, try to make connections. Yes, even if it means being a little less than organized over those first few days—you'll live, we promise!

How These 5 Simple Tricks will Help You Make Friends in College

College is an exciting time in your life, as you have the opportunity to discover your interests as well as to meet a wide variety of people. College is also a great opportunity to develop meaningful friendships that can last a lifetime. To make friends in college, here are five tips to assist you.
1. Be willing to attend social functions and take the initiative to speak to others